Backed by increasing global dealer & service ecosystem

Targeting Global Expansion: Planting Seeds in Every Country within 2026

As a budding global pioneer in the field of hydrogen fuel systems, much of our journey thus far at Saarthi GreenTech has been devoted to rigorous research and development. Our talented team of engineers in Australia have invested over seven years in validating the concept and establishing a solid foundation for our innovative product line. Simultaneously, our Indian engineering team has been tirelessly working for over a year to develop a product that can truly bring about a significant change in the field of green fuel technology.

Today, as we stand on the cusp of revolutionizing the industry, we’re excited to take our next big leap – global expansion. We’re currently on the lookout for dynamic and resourceful companies worldwide to join us as our dealers. Our ambition is to establish our presence in every country within the next 24 months, bringing the power of our Knox Series Hydrogen Fuel Systems to customers across the globe.

We warmly welcome your inquiries and interest. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to explore the potential of a collaborative partnership. Together, we can drive the future of sustainable transportation and make a lasting difference for our planet.

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