Ensuring Ultimate Safety: Saarthi GreenTech Knox Series Hydrogen Systems with dual Flashback Arrestor system

Ensuring Ultimate Safety: Saarthi GreenTech Knox Series Hydrogen Systems with Advanced Flashback Arrestor

At Saarthi GreenTech, we prioritize safety and understand that with hydrogen fuel systems, managing the potential risks is a paramount concern. To that end, our Knox Series Hydrogen Fuel Systems incorporate various features designed to prevent accidents and guarantee safe operation.

One of the cornerstones of our safety approach lies in the operation of the system itself. The Knox Series Hydrogen Fuel Systems do not store any hydrogen; instead, hydrogen is produced only when the vehicle is in operation. As soon as the engine shuts down, the hydrogen unit also ceases operation, significantly reducing the risk of accidents related to stored hydrogen.

Even while hydrogen is being produced during vehicle operation, we have taken precautions to ensure safety. After production, the hydrogen is stored in a tank and then transferred into a scrubber unit. This scrubber unit functions as a flashback arrestor, containing any potential ignition of the hydrogen and preventing a flame from propagating through the system.

At Saarthi GreenTech, we believe in going the extra mile for safety. In addition to the scrubber, our systems also feature a secondary flashback arrestor installed at the hydrogen gas outlet. This extra layer of protection prevents any flash from even reaching the scrubber, providing an additional level of safety.

With this dual-arrestor setup, Saarthi GreenTech’s Knox Series Hydrogen Fuel Systems are designed to be extremely safe to operate. Our advanced electronic control systems constantly monitor the functioning of the system, ensuring smooth and worry-free operation.

At Saarthi GreenTech, we are committed to delivering sustainable solutions for greener driving without compromising on safety. With our Knox Series Hydrogen Fuel Systems, you can drive with peace of mind, knowing that you’re operating one of the safest hydrogen fuel systems on the market.

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