Patented electrolyser designed for high Hydrogen generation with highest Current to Hydrogen generation ratio

Delving into the Heart of the Knox Series Hydrogen Fuel System: The Patented Electrolyser

Saarthi GreenTech’s Knox Series Hydrogen Fuel Systems are trailblazers in the realm of sustainable transportation, powered by a revolutionary component – the patented electrolyser. This pivotal device is meticulously designed for efficient hydrogen generation, marking a milestone in the green energy sector.

The core of this innovation lies in Saarthi GreenTech’s patented Cell technology. It integrates a compact assembly of hydrogen-producing plates, elegantly designed to maximize hydrogen generation without increasing the system’s footprint. This innovative design encapsulates efficiency and compactness into one sophisticated unit, becoming the heart of the Knox Series.

Safety and durability go hand in hand in the Knox Series electrolyser design. The structure is uniquely moulded to exhibit high heat resistance, ensuring secure operation in challenging conditions. The electrolyser has been rigorously tested for vibration handling and thermal endurance of up to 150 degrees Celsius. Additionally, critical points are meticulously welded to minimize energy losses, reinforcing the system’s durability and reliability.

The electrolyser also employs a novel water flow technique. By deftly managing the flow of water from the tank to the electrolyser, this intelligent design ensures an optimal hydrogen generation rate. Paired with high-quality fittings, the system delivers a superior performance that sets new standards in the field.

The Knox Series offers two variants: K30 and K40. While the electrolysers in both models are identical, their hydrogen production capacities differ. The K30 electrolyser is capable of delivering a peak hydrogen production of 4 litres, whereas the K40 version enhances this capacity up to 5.5 litres. This augmentation is made possible by an enhanced supporting system in the K40 model, meticulously engineered to handle the higher load.

Saarthi GreenTech’s Knox Series, born from an Indo-Australian collaboration, is more than a product range; it’s a symbol of our commitment to a greener, sustainable future. After seven years of relentless research, testing and refinement, the Knox Series emerges as a breakthrough in green technology, with its electrolyser at the heart of this revolution. Saarthi GreenTech continues to pave the way towards a net-zero emission future, one hydrogen molecule at a time.

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